The first digit will always signify 'hundreds' and two other digits will show the shot position. Note: Gin Shot can be played well beyond 99 points. This addition to the rules gives more chances to go out and trick the opponent. The player's current score determines the shot and this shot is different for each player (unless they have the same score, of course). Scores with a zero, like 40, 07 or 80 call for only one card with the face value other than zero - in these examples 4, 7 or 8 respectively. In the next hand (s)he is entitled to knock having two fives as his/her deadwood.
For example, player Y has earned 55 points so far. This 'shot', where your remaining cards spell out your score, is treated scored in exactly the same way as a Gin - your opponent cannot lay off on your cards. He can knock not only having 10 points or less or having a gin but also having two cards, one of them 3 on the second one 8 as deadwood. Let's also say that a player X earned so far 38 points. Players could have earned points for a current game ranging for 01 up to 99 (game is to 100 points). OK, let's look at the piece of paper where we record our scores. Normal Gin rules apply with one important exception and addition.
It is a collection of variations of the traditional card game Gin Rummy. This page is part of the Invented Games section of the Card Games web site.